
True code readability doesn't exist! But you'll feel when it really is

The question of what code readability is (as part of mystical DX in general) is often raised lately. And more and more people have started to say that readability is purely a matter of preference. I can’t blame them. After many years of development, we may catch ourselves thinking that we are already quite capable of perceiving different code of various quality, paradigms and languages. We can also get used to tools that at first seemed uncomfortable to us. And conclude that everything depends on experience! Well, yes and no.

It’s a double-edged sword

Tsodin recently said:

There are two ends to this quality — how truly readable and maintainable the code is, and how skilful the programmer is

And you know, I’m somewhat comfortable with that opinion. And it could have stopped there, but later Tsodin pulled the blanket more on the programmers themselves and reduced everything to a generalised “git gud.”

The problem with this statement is that we’re sort of implicitly saying - any code is readable, you just don’t have enough skills! And let’s be honest: not all code is readably on it’s own.

Oh, but can you define what readability is?

You may often hear the question: «Can you define readability? No, no, not just readability, but code readability, that’s quite different ya know.»

Indeed, readability is by definition divided into the polygraphic performance and the linguistic features of text. But we’re not here to evaluate the contribution of font or ligatures to code readability, right?

What would really interest us is the linguistic aspect of the code:

  • namings;
  • the complexity of syntactic constructs;
  • the level of abstraction;
  • etc.

«Yeah, these right here are preferences.» No, they’re not. Because there is one important difference between code and text: code, unlike text, is obliged to fulfil its intentions. And it must do so with minimal deviation from the essence of the task at hand. It is really not that important whether the text fulfils its purpose (generally speaking.) For example author’s idea or concept which they tries to convey through the text. If it didn’t work out for them, well, it’s just a bad text. It’s still there, the text is relevant, it’s just bad at delivering the thought. But the code must solve the intended problem, otherwise it is literally wrong and inapplicable. Bad ≠ wrong.

All of these may lead us to believe that code readability is, in fact, a composite phenomenon:

  • it consists of a correct solution of the problem;
  • it fully describes the working algorithm (i.e. it literally does not lie to us about its intentions;)
  • and the readability of this solution is maximally proportional to the problem itself.

Code readability is not what you think it is

Notice how we switched from «code readability» to «solution readability?» I believe that this is the main feature of the problem of characterising readability: we are trying to look at the term without contextualisation. When we try to judge the readability of code, many people primarily judge the code itself, not what it’s trying to solve. This is where disputes begin: procedural code is more readable than functional code, declarative code is clearer than imperative code, inheritance vs. composition and a bunch of other buzzwords.

Your coding style may be more readable for you, but that doesn’t mean it makes for a readable solution.

But each such construct, each pattern, each paradigm doesn’t relate to the problem. It’s only here to help you solve something. This is where the developer’s experience comes in. This is where you have to “git gud” to understand what can be applied, how to apply it, and even whether to apply certain tools to the solution.

I’m not trying to say that the shorter the better. Or that you should type imperative code only. Or that you don’t need any patterns, methodologies and paradigms. It’s just the more such details there are in the code, the less readable it may become (and most likely will.)

Now, some of you might say that «well, it all depends on chosen paradigms, language and it’s constructs, or developer’s experience, or generally that that’s the point of programming!» But you’re confusing two different things:

  • inherent complexity
  • incidental complexity

What complexity?

Let me just quote:

Inherent complexity — the difficulty of the actual problem that the software in question is trying to make simpler and better.

Incidental complexity — anything about software that is hard but doesn’t really have to be

Incidental complexity is introduced by libraries, frameworks, languages, paradigms, developers’s preferences etc. It’s the trade-offs you have to make. But inherent complexity is a problem of the chosen domain itself.

  • UI’s re-renders is an incidental complexity. It’s not a real problem no matter how you look at it – it just doesn’t exist in the wild;
  • Nested factories is an incidental complexity. Businesses just want to see sales analytics to calculate conversion rates. It doesn’t care about your factories;
  • Your declarative abstract bindings with the impossibility of normal debugging is an incidental complexity. It’s a trade-off you’ve made to solve the problem, not the problem;
  • Classes that are built with metaprogramming, obscure namings and multiple inheritance that you inject to your services via fibers? Another incidental complexity.

A good engineer will reduce the incidental complexity and try to accept and deal with the inherent complexity.

So no, if you can easily understand code with #ifdefs nested every 5 lines, or you’re extremely good at reading ruby metaprogramming with delegating class members to an abstract context with evals — it doesn’t mean that this code is readable. Or it could be for you or your coworkers, who knows. But in the end it’s just you who have learnt to read a pile of incidental complexities. And, in general, there is nothing wrong with it - there is an incredible amount of such code around, and it is better to be able to understand it than not. But none of this is relevant to the problem itself.

So it’s not a matter of preference?

Why not? After all, whether the code will be readable for you personally also depends on your experience and preferences.

But your preferences in no way affect the complexity and readability of the solution. For example, a problem in which you need to implement cache clusters with shards and the ability to reshard it by size and quantity (which will lead to items redistribution) based on jump consistent hashing. And all of these should happen on the fly with no downtime. And with cache snapshotting, correct eviction policies and high hit miss ratio of course! The field itself is complicated enough as it is, why add more complexities and problems and call it a “skill issue” of someone else? Honestly it’s still inevitable to some extent. But only to some extent. Becayse the next goal after a correct solution is to have as little incidental complexity and unnecessary details as possible. So please, stop justifying hard to grasp code – not complex one – by preferences.

It’s all about how readable the solution is.